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Center for Health Science Innovation opens in Knowledge Capital

Published on Aug 02, 2013


On 26 July 2013?the Center for Health Science Innovation was officially opened. The grand opening attracted more than 250 people from industry, academics and government, quite fitting as the new center emphasizes cooperation to achieve innovation. The Center for Health Science Innovation aims to contribute to health preservation and improvement, by developing health products and services and making the latest scientific information available to society, all through industrial-academic-governmental tie-ups and with the support and cooperation of consumers and the general public.???

Under the leadership of the research group of Director of the Center Yasuyoshi Watanabe, a leading expert in the field of anti-fatigue research of the Graduate School of Medicine, the research will span many disciplines and involve scientists from among others the Graduate Schools of Science, Engineering and Human Life Science. They will all carry out university-wide research on the subjects of ‘Anti-ageing (slowing down the ageing process and increasing life years)’,?‘Safety and Security’, and health science in general.

Main activities

?pilot study using practical fatigue measurements?(including demonstration studies for companies interested in joint-research)
?communicating research results of the university (product exhibitions, sales activities etc.)
?organizing symposia and seminars for companies and external researchers
?monitoring surveys of health science products
?fostering human resources capable of acting as innovation coordinators, sharing knowledge, experience and information, together with the researchers of all institutes involved

Opening hours

Throughout August: 13:00~17:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
From 1 September: 10:00~18:30(※days on which the Center will be closed will be announced later)

※the practical fatigue measurement project is currently under preparation. Please confirm its availability in advance of your visit.
Visits are always possible during the above opening hours.
For details, please see the website of the Center for Health Science Innovation?

健康科学イノベーションセンターが開所しました 健康科学イノベーションセンターが開所しました
