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Visit by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Published on Jan 21, 2014


On 20 January 2014 OCU hosted a visit of 13 Chemical Engineering students of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). After a welcome word and introduction of the university by Associate Professor Matsumura (Vice-Director of the Global Exchange Office) the students from UTM held a presentation on toxic waste management and answered questions by OCU Associate Professor Mizutani (Urban Recycle Engineering).

In the second half of the program the UTM students introduced Malaysian traditional dance and costumes, listened to an introduction of Japanese culture by OCU students and had a chance to try on Japanese yukata kimono. With the Japanese students in Malaysian dress and the Malaysian students wearing yukata, we had a great photo opportunity.

We hope the UTM students enjoyed their visit and would like to thank Professor Mizutani and the OCU Global Members students for their participation and support.

UTM visit 2014
