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OCU international student honored by the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association

Published on Apr 03, 2014


IMG_9043.JPGOn 3 April the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association (NSK) selected Jun Yan, an OCU international student from China, as the ‘HAPPY NEWS PERSON’ of 2013. Jun Yan this year entered the Graduate School of Economics.

NSK every year hands out the award to a person whose actions brought happy and positive news to readers. In September 2013 Jun Yan, risking his own life, saved a boy from drowning by jumping into the swollen Yodogawa river in Osaka during a typhoon. Many newspaper readers commented that the news was impressive and inspirational.
From left to right: Mainichi Newspapers Osaka Head Office Executive Director Kouno, Jun Yan, OCU President Nishizawa

