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Ranked as 8th in the level of university regional contribution research among universities in Japan in magazine of “Nikkei Glocal”

Published on Nov 08, 2017


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OCU is ranked 8th among universities in Japan in magazine of “Nikkei Glocal” in the November 6 issue which released the level of university regional contribution research. We are in the second place in public university across the country. OCU is highly evaluated willingness of institutional effort to regional contribution and cooperation which is based on an arrangement with local community. The research was conducted at 748 national and public universities and private universities. 514 universities answered. The magazine classified the universities based on the response of how they play a role in local community through university education and research as the level of regional contribution. OCU hold out the one of the ideal of giving back educational achievements and results to city and citizens and involving in the development of local community and international society. We will work together with local area and try to solve various tasks from now on.
