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Trial Lessons Offered at Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School

Published on Dec 27, 2018


As a part of promotions for overseas students who wish to study at Osaka City University (OCU), trial lessons were offered at Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School, a public school covering middle and high school education on Saturday, 1 December, 2018. A total of 24 including students studying Japanese as well as teachers, participated this day.

Vice President Akihiro Odanaka (Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences) as a leader and Professor Makoto Tsubota (Faculty of Science) as an observer, a delegation of four faculty was sent and each faculty gave a lecture of his professional study in easy ways to understand. ??

Participated students had read the faculty’s thesis prior to their participation in the lessons, thus they raised proper questions and their excellence stood out. The trial lessons were successfully over with so much laughter from beginning to end and made the students interested in OCU.

The Global Exchange Office will continue to deliver information to attract excellent international students to OCU.

Faculty of


Theme of the trial lesson


Zhiqiang BU
Associate Professor

Is accounting really fun?!

Literature and Human Sciences

Takeshi EBINE
Associate Professor

Studying animations
– Introduction to animation representation theory


Associate Professor

How do living creatures measure the time?
- Taking humans and honeybees as examples -


Satoshi ENDO
Associate Professor

Environmental pollution in Japan and Osaka

With high school students in a classroom<br />well-equipped with audiovisuals
With high school students in a classroom
well-equipped with audiovisuals
Many students actively asked questions.
Many students actively asked questions.


Impressions and comments from faculty who conducted the trial lessons

“Is accounting really fun?!” by Associate Professor Zhiqiang Bu, Faculty of Business
My lecture consists of two parts: 1) Introduction of history of OCU and advances in Faculty of Business 2) Explanation of “Accounting”, the most important subject in Faculty of Business. I especially made an effort to explain fun of accounting in an easy way. Thanks to such an effort the high school students listened eagerly to my lecture and laughed where they were supposed to. They vigorously asked various questions during the question and answer period at the end of the class. I personally feel the high school students study very hard and their Japanese language level is high. I wish such students would enroll in OCU as international students. (Excerpt)

Studying animations –Introduction to animation representation theory– by Associate Professor Takeshi Ebine, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences?
When I visited Shanghai before, I was overwhelmed by energy filled in this city. This time I actually felt the same vitality in the educational setting while I was doing my lesson for the students of Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School. I was impressed with this well-equipped school providing studying opportunities in the globalized world and sincere messages of the teachers who have made efforts there. But what overwhelmed me most was positive power and brightness of the students who actively reacted to my lecture and spoke up in the classroom.?

“How do living creatures measure the time? –Taking humans and honeybees as examples–” by Associate Professor Taro Fuchikawa, Faculty of Science
It was my first trip to China and I was genuinely pleased to visit Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School and interacted with the students and teachers there. Energetic attitude of the students including positive reaction to my lesson and questions raised in the classroom as well as vibrant atmosphere of the whole city cheered me up. I felt refreshed more than before I traveled there.

“Environmental pollution in Japan and Osaka” by Associate Professor Satoshi Endo, Faculty of Engineering
I was looking forward to my visit to a prestige school offering a high level of education in Shanghai. The students had studied enough on pollution issues in Japan and I felt the educational level including knowledge of the students was quite high as I expected. What impressed me more was how fast they reacted, their positive involvement in the class and their strong curiosity. I myself learned a lot from this trip.
