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Working Overseas - Debriefing Session for International Internship Programs

Published on Nov 28, 2019


A debriefing session for international internship programs was held on Friday, 24 October, 2019 at the Tanaka Memorial Hall, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University.

These 2-week internships are part of the “International Business Experience”; courses OCU students can take as part of the University's core curriculum. The internships take place in foreign countries at local and Japanese affiliate companies. Eleven students interested in working overseas in the future participated this round. As the internships successfully concluded in mid-September, we invited company personnel integral to our students learning experience to attend the briefing session.

Students reported on what they learned in their recipient companies, including their future goals, and then people representing each company were invited to give comments.

Company supervisors who were not able to make it to Japan for the session were able to comment via a live internet broadcast. Participant students could be seen with smiles on their faces as they were shortly reunited with their supervisors.

Briefing session?

Opening address by President Arakawa
Comments by Professor Emeritus Shimozaki
in charge of the International Business Experience






Briefing session ①
Briefing session ②




Briefing session ③
Briefing session ④




Comments by Professor Tomoko Ikegami,<br />Director of Educational Affairs
Comments by Professor Tomoko Ikegami,
Director of Educational Affairs
Closing address by Professor Daisuke Tsuruta,<br />Specially Appointed Vice President
Closing address by Professor Daisuke Tsuruta,
Specially Appointed Vice President




At the reception


What is the "International Business Experience"?

A unique program started in 2018 as part of the University`s core curriculum, designed mainly for 2nd year students and up.
The program offers courses in basic international economy and international business.
Many guest lecturers who have also worked overseas are invited to share with the students their experiences in actual work sites.

Group photo



