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Student Voices- Emergency Support Allowance System Has Started!

Published on May 19, 2020


Emergency Support Allowance system has been established for students who are suffering from paying rent and food as well as purchasing daily necessities due to the impact of COVID-19.

Applications started on 11 May and as of 12 May, 324 including 256 Japanese and 68 international students have applied.

The application is conducted online where we place importance on the speed between application to payment. The applicants are asked to write comments so that we can seriously figure out how we can support them.

The Student Affairs Division would like you to share information on this system with other students who are in need. We also encourage those who are in financial difficulties and feel depressed, to contact 学生なんでも相談窓口 (Students Counseling Center).

Emergency Support Allowance for students in need (1st application)

Student Voice

Voices in Need

I'm trying to manage life‘s expenses with just a scholarship, but it's too difficult. I have been struggling with money and thinking about it every day. I’ m not sure when my part-time job will resume. I would greatly appreciate some support.
I have been staying home every day since the declaration of an emergency was issued, which has increased utility fees. It would be helpful if I got even a small amount of support while I am managing my life without any income.
My part-time job occupied a lot of my life and as a result my academic record wasn't good enough for the tuition exemption system at OCU until my third year. (I didn't know anything about tuition exemption system so I had to work very hard to pay for my tuition.) However, since I started job hunting, I have considered my future seriously. I am embarrassed to say that I didn‘t learn the importance of studying until the latter half of my university life. Therefore, I would like to focus more on research rather than making money this year. However, as my grades are lower than half of those in my department, I am not applicable for tuition exemption, etc. Although it is the result of my own actions, I think there are other people like me who still haven’t realized the negative effect a need for money is having on their grades. I understand that academic records are used as a criteria for this system, but I would like you to evaluate me now that I would seriously like to learn. I am sorry for my long excuse. Thank you for reading my comments.

Comments from international students

I think I have become unstable because of COVID-19. For international students like me, the fact that families or friends are not around makes me feel especially lonely. It seems like neither my part-time jobs nor my studying are progressing well and they have become a financial, physical, and mental burden. I am truly grateful for the support system that OCU has offered. I hope our lives will return to normal as soon as possible.
Due to COVID-19, my roommate has lost his job as his employer closed down. I shared information of this system with him. He may also apply.
Due to the recent emergency in Japan, living as an international student is really difficult. At this moment, support from the university is vital. I hope everyone can overcome this difficulty together.
My senior friend has already graduated from OCU last academic year, but is still job hunting in Japan. His family runs a restaurant in Shandong, China, but because of the impact of COVID-19, they closed down for more than 2 months based on a law prohibiting operations by the Chinese government. They are in a financially difficult situation. As he wanted to concentrate on his job hunting, he did not work at all. Under the current situation he wishes to work and he has applied for many part-time jobs in vain.
No matter what my result may be, I am very grateful for the support OCU has offered to students. As an international student I feel encouraged by how quickly OCU has provided various countermeasures and set up a system at such an early stage. I am in my fourth year at OCU this year but again feel happy to be a student here. I hope faculty and staff members are staying healthy.
COVID-19 has greatly affected my job hunting. Is there any recruiting (employment) support for international students?

Comments for appreciation

I think it's very nice to have such a system. I don’t know whether my application will be successful or not, but I would like to show my appreciation to OCU for supporting students’ learning by establishing this system.
Thank you for establishing a system to support students.
Although I would like to receive the allowance, please prioritize those whose financial situation is tighter than me. I hope the allowance will be allocated properly to the students in need. Thank you.
While living a self-restrained life by myself, I often want to go out, meet people, and work. However, I don’t feel like going out and searching for a new job due to the possibility of infection. Under such circumstances, I am really grateful to OCU for establishing this system. Thank you very much.
I am very grateful to OCU for supporting students in this way. In addition to the insecure future of job hunting, while I have not been able to meet people due to COVID-19, I have felt the warmth of everyone. I hope my application is successful.
I always thank the community of OCU, including the President, faculty and staff. While there are some universities where students themselves petitioned the university for support, I feel very proud of OCU for conducting a survey to grasp the situation of students and start to help them. Thank you very much for providing such a support system. It makes me feel good.


Student Affairs Division (1F Student Support Center)
(Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm)
Please change (at) to @.

?Please contact us by email, not by phone.
?Please write【緊急支援給付金についてRegarding emergency support allowance】in the title box.

?Please understand that due to the state of emergency recently issued, our staff is responding to inquiries at half the usual rate.
